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The gorgeous and stunning Lainnir! This is my fourth completed request for the Junequest set! She belongs Rlynbook! Thank you for letting me paint her!

What a project! While I really like the results of this one, I won't pretend it was easy for me! The challenge was a good one and I learned a few things that I'll do differently next time around.

Junequest is still going strong! I would be honored if you helped me reach my Junequest 30 Day Challenge goal by inviting your friends or generously raising your pledge! Every like and share is just as appreciated!

Thanks everyone, I hope you like all the art that's come so far this month! Keep your eyes peeled for more!

This is an Art Tier+ reward

- 4k resolution image

- step process tutorial




I love her golden colors <3 c:


oh I missed this one! Lovely...the shading on her cheekbones really "makes" her face. (In my opinion!)