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Good morning my beautiful patrons! Happy June - I hope that you get a chance to soak up some sun and relax this summer!

June is off to a wonderful start! I'd like to offer a big welcome to Alvin Fink, Spellbound-blue and Panartias for joining our Junequest challenge! The lovely FeliciaDark has also generously increased her pledge today!

I couldn't be more thankful - the new supporters, and the old. Thank you!

I'd like to offer you guys a chance to answer a few questions today. I'm eager to see how we can improve what I do around here. There's no better place for feedback than from the source - you guys!

So, I'd super appreciate a response in the comments or a private message with your answers to these questions! Speak your mind, I'd love to hear your opinions!

 ✦  What was it that inspired you to sign up?

 ✦  What do you think we could do to most improve the content of my patreon?

 ✦  Are you willing to share your experience here with just one friend who may be eager to become a patron?



1) In a nutshell - you. I consider myself lucky to know you personally, and being able to witness the incredible dedication and hard work you pour into Patreon is beyond inspiring. Watching you grow as an artist has been a joy, and seeing your progress over the course of just one year fills me with excitement for what is to come! 2) I think you're on the right track - engaging with your patrons and using their feedback to shape the content you create. 3) Duh!


I am so amazed at your portraits, you are a true artist!! You grow with every portrait. There is such an opportunity out there for you, we just got to find it!! You need to really be recognized. You and your work are worth more than the 20.00 dollar donation I offer, I'm totally up for your Junequest challenge. I will increase my pledge, msg me❤️


1) You! You are talented and work hard to improve your abilities. Plus you were always helpful and supportive and didn't badger me to join!


Aw, thank you so much. <3 You have lots of potential yourself, I really want to see you go far!


2) I don't really know. Sex(y) sells they say and a lot of people on DA seem to follow that idea. Other than that a specilisation on certain topics could help like Tolkien or some video-games...


3) Most likely my roleplayer friends. But most moved far away - and back in the time they were happy enough to recieve their character portraits form me for free... ...but it might be possible!


I've considered doing NSFW stuff. Maybe tasteful pinups. I'm honestly on the fence though, and have been for a while. It's one of those things that I'm not sure I want to represent my work. But at the same time, I have nothing against doing them - and rather enjoy painting pretty ladies (and handsome men!)! So that might be something to consider!


I was inspired to sign up after we worked on a commission over on Deviant Art. Once I realized I could support your fine works without having to imagine up an image, I was all for the Patreon thing. Plus even in the short time I've been your supporter it's been obvious your talents will only grow as you focus on your art, so I wanted to help that happen. I'm not sure there's any need to improve the content by force. However, keeping doing what you're doing seems like the best way. Your newest style and fan art were amazing, I'd like to see more of it. I am and already have. Sadly most of my friends are poor college students, who don't have much income yet. But give us a couple of years? You can count on it!


Thank you so much Lee! <3 You've been a great friend and a cherished supporter! From your wonderful ideas and my pen, our ideas always go far! I'm happy to have you on this journey with me, it's been so rewarding and fun!


RE: What was it that inspired you to sign up? *_* I AM THE PROTO PATREMON!! RE: What do you think we could do to most improve the content of my patreon? c: voice-over video tutorials! RE: Are you willing to share your experience here with just one friend who may be eager to become a patron? yeh