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Hey Sweeties!

So over the last couple of weeks I've begun working on a more comprehensive tagging system for the posts on the Patreon, and cleaning up older posts that didn't follow my modern format.

I realised that Patreon has a few issues when scrolling down as far as it takes to get to my older posts, so now all photo posts have many more tags (such as "blonde" "big hair" "princess" etc) so you can find those posts related to your favourites a little faster.

Also, the modern post format (low res pictures in the post, and the high res images attached at the bottom) follows true all the way back to the start (holy crap... 2018 feels like a million years ago!)

I wanted to make sure all of my Patrons are able to find more of my stuff rather than scrolling down. This has been on my list of things to do for a very long time but recently I've been able to commit a bunch of time to it.

So far it's just the photo set posts done and the video posts are up next!

So newer Patrons, go wild! There's over 4 years' worth of content that's much easier to access now... Start with a recent post, or jump into the "More.." tag button above the post stream.

Next pic post is on Friday!

Thank you so much for all of your support,

Nikki xoxox