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Thank you for waiting.

This should’ve been published earlier but given what happened last week and all, ala so:

Fortunately, things were half-resolved on Monday morning when I received this:

No idea why it happened in the first place beyond having to piece things together on my own.

Thank you so much who got in touch with me over that weekend of uncertainty.  It’s more an inconvenience than a financial disaster; thank you fiduciary prudency.

Regardless, here’s what I was supposed to announce yesterday:

That said, some have rightfully raised an ongoing issue.  That is to say, when trying to access the latest pages of my very long comics on here, you’re met with the equivalent of this:

Not fun, especially if you’re not on desktop.  Akin to the bizarre (but fortunately temporary) removal of being able to look past content up by month, the older navigation interface of mini-thumbnails that slide along the bottom when you go through someone’s gallery?  Gone.  And I don’t think they’re coming back… I suspect this is a hard nudge into using the Collections feature, akin to a back catalogue of podcast episodes or videos for example, as illustrated here.  Alas, such is modern internet.

Regardless, my solution is as such:


Of course, this means, eventually:

Because, they’re functionally useless for my needs unless I start breaking down the comics into 10-part arcs and nest them that way?  For no, I am not going to re-load nearly 200 pages on this platform to fit a new formatting style.  Especially given:

Well, I think so…? I don’t know, I’m not on formerly-known-as-Twitter anymore so I don’t know what’s what.

Regardless, I offer my apologies, but I’m all out of ideas here.  And:

So yeah.  Please look out for the archive keys (coming soon, correct as of 9th January 2024) and my updates over the month.  And enjoy the artwork.

Sorry for not being more chipper for the beginning of the New Year; I hope things improve as time goes on.   I’ll keep you updated.

Best of luck with your respective endeavours and all the best for 2024.



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