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I Have a Super Question...

  • Yes, please 45
  • Nah, think of something else 2
  • 2023-12-14
  • —2023-12-22
  • 47 votes
{'title': 'I Have a Super Question...', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, please', 'votes': 45}, {'text': 'Nah, think of something else', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 22, 18, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 14, 18, 7, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 47}


So, they’re doing a comics-wide event where Earth’s denizens are all forcibly turned into beastfolk. Now the first few issues are out, I can confirm it sounds way more exciting than it actually is

Anyway, it put me in mind of an obscure character I drew last year, Captain Carrot from the Zoo Crew, a light-hearted cartoony spoof on the-then-relevant DC canon of the early 1980s.  The comic book run ran for only a year, ending in 1983 but Captain Carrot is infrequently referenced in the main human-centric comics.  You can read about it here: https://www.cbr.com/captain-carrot-zoo-crew-funny-animals-guide-dc-comics/ (sorry, it’s the only still working link with images I could find).

Some wanted me to draw more from this quirky offshoot, so perhaps that is what I shall do next month, given the present Beast World event isn’t very interesting.   I mean, B​atm​an as a wolf…?  Harley Q​uinn as a muscle-bunny?  Okay… (but who knows, something may turn up—Black Adam as a lion is alright…)

But it all depends on whether you want me to.   So please vote below.

I’ll close off the votes 22nd December.   One vote per Patron.

Thank you for participating, guiding my hand and supporting these ventures.

P.S. Yeah, I am totally riffing that smug-looking All-Star Superman by Frank Quietly that for some reason, every single news website uses when discussing James Gunn's hard reboot of the DC Cinematic Universe.   I'll saved a textless version of this image as an attachment for you.



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