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Hello again, Happy Holidays!

I’ll be brief since I imagine my long-winded entries leave some looking like:

And I pretty much said what I wanted to last week (for real, Leowas actually pretty good, watch it.)

In short, a slight change of format in how I post some new material going forward, going with this method:

This is my attempt to circumnavigate:

Some will be understandably annoyed by this extra step, but without your support, I couldn’t have met my financial obligations this past year, namely:

However, since my comics are (or in Poking Around’s case, will) be posted publicly elsewhere, they’ll continue in the same format as they have done. So Infurlation Redux and Flora Fauna Fen SURVIVE: Battlefield Foxglove will continue in their singular post with the gallery function.

I know it’s a bit of a pain with Poking Around being so long, but my aim is to finish up the TL Notes Guide and therefore break the pages down into arcs so I can reorganise them into separate folders. Nobody likes being confronted by a huge wall of files, right?

Hence why the archives are like so:

On that vein, given the removal of the ‘search by month’ feature on this platform, I’ve had to start categorising things by the Collections folders.   This is also now where the Tags live too.

At the time of writing this (5th December 2023), I haven’t finished collating previous posts into their respective folders, but theoretically, this should make things easier to access, rather than guesstimating things in the Search bar.

I hope all this makes sense. It’s not the most elegant method in the world but given we all got rather blindsided by the rebrand in October (not to mention other things going on), m’acting on the fly here.

I’m not sure what will happen come 2024, but for now, let’s enjoy the holiday season and what I shall produce for you.


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