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... well, it has been for the past 10 days, time of writing and posting this.


... that is to say, sorry I've not done a new journal entry or anything.  I've been busy juggling between producing art here and doing commissions, and journals take a while for me to cobble together.  So I'm prioritising the art most have come here for rather than any extra fluff like journals and what not.

I'm actually down to the final two commissions, so that'll leave me with the rest of the month free to do mthe comics and other stuff.  Granted, it'll be my 8th year here (touch wood!) but I'm not really sure what to do to commemmorate it.  Also, there seems to be an increase of suspect activity, so I don't know if this means that free-festival-site-that-shan't-be-named is back online, or there's some other thing going on but... yeah, sorry.  Dicey times and all...

Still, thank you to everyone who continues to support me here, I really appreciate it; your generosity gives me reason to get out of bed everyday.  Thank you.

That's all until the next entry, whenever that is.

P.S. I don't live on here so forgive me if I don't immediately dispense archive keys the second one signs up here.  All in good time, all in good time...



Congratulations for being on this platform for 8 years 🥳