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... I wanted to do what the current generation call a 'vibe check'.  

I'm grateful that I've been afforded the opportunity to return to this platform and continue this career for however long it will be I'm able to.  The sudden user interface change caught us all off-guard, didn't it?   A notable side-effect is that there are a lot of 'Free Members' (more info here); I don't really know what to do about this (like content to provide or posts of acknowledgement).  Or the other new feature they introduced...

Still, I'll go on as I have done since there don't seem to be any issues.  Here's to hoping I reach my eighth year anniversary on here next month.

I also hope that you are doing well.  Yes, you reading this.  It's been a scary insecure time lately for many, and I don't mean Hallowe'en.  If you know, you know, as the slang goes.

Naturally, I can't pretend to have any answers or de facto words of comfort, but if my art can provide a bit of relief, then that's okay.   I'm just some guy somewhere after all.  Thank you for continuing to support me... or if you just happened to stumble across this since this is a public post, thanks for reading.  Just wanted to prove I'm human (though I guess that's getting harder and harder to tell these days)

That's all.  Yo-ho-ho.



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