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I Need You to Choose for November

  • East 28
  • West 14
  • 2023-10-22
  • —2023-10-29
  • 42 votes
{'title': 'I Need You to Choose for November', 'choices': [{'text': 'East', 'votes': 28}, {'text': 'West', 'votes': 14}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 29, 11, 53, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 22, 10, 52, 33, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 42}


Wow, upon checking the archives, the last time I did one of these was back in February, eh?  And even then, it was because I had a certain video game in mind…

Anyway, it used to be a bit of a tradition on here that I’d hold monthly polls to determine the subject matter for the subsequent month’s pinnup.  But as time went on, I rather struggled to find a theme and I’d just do whatever came to mind to compensate.

So here I am now trying to make good on a Tier promise for you and present the following:

A little bit basic, but there are several characters I have in mind to depict; yet no theme to unite them except from which part of the world they originate from.  I'm talking general media -- games, novels, etc.   I try to go for characters that wouldn’t necessarily get a lot of attention.   After all, why pay for content that everyone else is providing for free?*

Anyway, it’s a bit of a lucky dip but hey, you help steer me in the right direction.

One vote per Patron, the category with the most votes will get 3 pics exclusive to this Tier.  I’ll close off this poll on Sunday 29th October.  I’ll then do a rollover poll at the lower tier.

Thank you for participating and thank you again for your time and support on here. Really appreciate it.

*Though I suppose there is the argument that some want to see my interpretation…



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