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A big thank you to everyone who participated in the impromptu poll I held last week.

In light of the sudden rebrand and emphasis on having this platform turn into something more like an entertainment centre (rather than its original purpose of being a tip-jar for creatives), I was rather curious about as to how others engaged with this platform.

The results, illustrated below, were rather interesting.

Seems out of the 80 who participated and comments I received, I share similar habits with the majority.  During those times I pledged to someone else, I'd check in often too, especially if notified via email.

Despite the radical shift, I’ll continue using this present method; it seems to work best for everyone and it means I can focus more on creating the content than fussing over how to organise it and what not.   I can understand the implementation of the Collections thing, and when I get enough content and time to, I’ll probably rearrange everything in there at some point.  But not yet.

Maybe I’ll hold a poll about that too, given I don’t have that much material to shift through presently, and for the most part, everyone seems happy with the Tag system… or maybe not?  Let me know.

Anyway, that’s all I got for this… oh, except for:

(to better differentiate the Tiered content since I seem to have a lot of it underneath the One-Off tag --- sorry for recycling an image from earlier in the year).

Take care, stay safe and thanks again for your support.

Yours Sincerely,


P.S. If you're noticing a larger membership number on various Content Creator accounts, it's not an influx of newer people; rather they've opted to show the total amount of members someone's ever had, rather than the number of currently active ones.  I can't turn it off on mine so make of that what you will.

P.P.S  Is the new standard of writing online these days to leave only a single space after a full-stop (period)?  I keep having to reformat these text entries on here...


Kindle Foxfire

To answer your last question, yes I believe the single space is the standard now online. Not sure when that changed but it took me a while to adjust. Some things I will just never adjust to, though, like dropping the Oxford comma in lists.