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That's the best action to take if you don't want to be charged this month.

As of 5th April, I froze charging for this month.  So:

But don't forget, as I bill up-front, new patrons will still pay on sign-up for access to the backlog - this includes if you change tiers, or subsequently drop out and re-join later.

So stay where you are for now.

Why am I doing this?  I need to refresh myself, so I'm doing commissions but who knows, something might happen that'll prompt me to do some art here during the month.  Let's see, eh?

Regardless, thank you again to every single Patron for their support.  As always, every penny is gratefully appreciated and I'm thankful I'm able to do this and not be taken advantage of or something.  Thank you again.  See you in May.

Yours Sincerely,




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