House-Cleaning (Patreon)
I’m house-cleaning my Patreon this weekend and moving older pieces to the archives, which I highlighted in this journal entry.
This is to make it easier to navigate Patreon as there isn’t yet the means to streamline the browsing experience here. So don’t be surprised if older posts disappear over the weekend, they’re being migrated. I’m planning to remove stuff up until the beginning of November 2021, just so then one isn’t having to scroll endlessly to get to what they want (I thought the keywords would help negate this but seems not so…)
But fret not; the pieces will be easily accessible in the archives, along with all the pre-2021 content I’ve produced for Patrons.
I’ll leave up the informative posts about what this platform is planning to do since a lot is going to change very soon, and I’ve been told that I’m one of very few who keep people posted. So in short:
- My original journal from February 2021,clarifying things post-reboot
Why the content on the $2 Hashira Hero Tier has gone public - The Identify Yourself thing from October (brief summarisation here)
And I’ll leave the comic posts where they are, because the stories are pretty long and need to have the full context of what’s going on.
Anyway, I’ll post the keys to the archives on Monday 13th December. Please hang in there; I’m not taking anyone for a ride. I’m hoping to see Rumble next week so I can make a start on the pin-ups too. And that’s about it…
Thank you again for everything this year, I know I’ve not exactly been Mary Sunshine as of late and my Patreon has been rather patchy in terms of consistent content, so I really am very grateful for the continued support.
Stay safe, stay well and good luck out there.
Yours Sincerely,