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Edit: exported presets I made in the decal maker plugin do not work for you 

The decal maker presets I made can not be read by the .var file and does not work. You will have to place the textures in the plugin yourself and save the preset if you want it to work. However, if you want to just have the base skin, you can place them in the decal texture set of the person.

so the Intro!

Here is my anthro horse look with custom textures and hairstyles.

The look uses eyeball assets because there were issues with the eye morphs bugging out. If you use the asset plugin from Blazedust, you can save a preset of where the eyes are and easily load them onto the look afterwards. https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/cuamanager.547/

I tried to create a variety of you textures you can combine together. The textures on the looks are transparent so you can change the colour in game as long as they are on the decal texture sets. 

However, if you want to have both the skin texture and tattoos/marks on the look, you need to use The DecalMaker Plugin.


With the plugin DecalMaker from Chokaphi, you can layer textures and change their colours and in the end make presents. All tattoos/marks I have made white to more easily change colours of the patterns.

Hope you like the result and big thanks to a patreon pledger called Khajiirah for the morphs and for the commision. 


Credit and where to get dependencies:

Full credit to Khajiirah for the horse head morph which she allowed me to use.

Eyeball assets by Hunting-Succubus: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/realsitic-eye-assest.667/

DecalMaker Plugin by Chokaphi: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/decal-maker.196/




More then I hoped for! <3


You might wanna note that the eyes are assets, got very confused when I loaded one of them up in an other scene and she didnt have eyes. xD

William Wilson

when i load her into a scene her mouth is stuck open any body else have this happen?


You need to turn off collision for the tongue in "Misc Physics"