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This is SCP-1471, designated MalO

The first mask I made was based on fan art, but when I modelled and textured it for VR, it became too scary when I was in VR xD So I made a second mask to still keep the bone face feel of the character.

This assets in this scene includes:

- Scary mask

- Mild mask where the characters eyes can peek through

Bit of a scary look to make in the evening, but it all turned out well!

Remember to use the session plugin from Blazedust to save presets of assets as well as easy placement! https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/cuamanager.547/





im having problems getting the masks aligned properly, i have used the blazedust plugin before but im not knowledgable on how to use it, is there some kind of easy to explain way to have either mask aligned or do I just have to align them myself before creating a trigger morph?


The great thing about the plugin is when you parent the atom to a body part. When you parent the mask to the head, the X, Y and Z coordinates are centralised on that atom. After you linked the atom: - Open the plugin - select the object parented to the person in the plugin - reset the position and rotation from within the plugin - adjust it to fit - save as preset with a name in the top of the plugin


wow ... creepy and hot at the same time