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Hello everybody!

After a bit more than a year using Patreon, this place still doesn't support sending files and images through messages, and when some of you have issues or want to request something it becomes a bit difficult to share pics of the issues with me, so I thought about making this Discord server where you all can send me stuff directly.

Also I thought it'd be great to have it as a small community with you all, where you can share  pics of your sims and such. I made some channels for updates, requests, help, etc.

I'm super new to this so expect issues 😂. Talking about issues, if any if you has issues with corrupted files, I can send them to you directly through Discord as well!

Patreon will add you automatically to the server, as it's connected to the pledge. If you aren't there yet, give it some time. I had to silence the server for 15min because it's importing people nonstop 😂


Tucker Earnshaw

Yeah discord sounds good feels a little more personal as well

Ashes to Ashes

my accounts are not linked


I think in settings you can do it ☺️ (if your want of course hahaha)


That's a great idea. Are you already on Discord?


Brilliant idea!


If we weren't automatically linked how do we join?

Haley Post

Go to My Profile Settings --> Apps and link your Discord


If you add it to your account (in account settings) it should be done automatically :D


Patreon adds you automatically if your account here is linked to Discord. You can do that in your profile settings 😊

Malin Friberg

Oh okey, just created one last night but thank you. Gonna try this and if it doesn't work I ask you again for mor help if you can :)


I am obviously pat lol but am not added to your discord


i've linked my discord but was not automatically added so i'm not sure what to do next

Kitten (Galaxy Kitten)

Hi so the Discord was broken for me (its been days) can you add me back please?

Ashes to Ashes

I can't get the linking option for the two sites