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You can tell that lately I'm a bit hyped with Dua hairstyles 😂 (Previous one was also inspired in her). Also I felt that after few long hairs there was some need of shoulder length hairs as well. 

In Spain it's been a mess, we are going through a "storm" and almost entire Spain has snow, and these places aren't used to it so everything is quite chaotic.

Where I live it's like nothing happened, so another year I won't see snow where I live 😔 but hey at least I can enjoy cold weather while I can hahahaha.

Anyway, hope you're having a good start of the year, and please be as safe as you can, because all I see on TV is covid increasing everywhere. I have hopes with vaccine but we must be careful until things get better ❤




WOW, so looking forward to this!!! Will this have the darker locks underneath and blonde over like in the photo? I seriously can't wait, your hairs are so gorgeous!!!


I showed it to my sister and she asked me the same thing so I guess the chunky version of this hair will be like that hahaha


I LOVE that you include your inspiration in your WIPs because it just highlights how talented you really are to duplicate them so perfectly.