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The Chromatic Collection Base is a big pack of textures that includes 100 colours and optimizes the way hairstyles work saving space on your disk while increasing the customization options.

You can find all the information and downloads here.

The Chromatic Collection: Extras

Alternatively you can get them from these posts.




Hello! So they work putting them on my hair in the create a sim but once I go into the game my sims have half a hair do 😂 just wondering if you know what I’ve done wrong? Thank you!


Just to let you know I have packaged the hair files (not either of the chromatic base files or extras)


Hiii! The "full hair" has a blonde thumbnail, those that have half of the hair are either the chunky or bicolour version hahaha. For those you need to download the Extras and pick the Chunky/Bicolour texture. Check the links of the extras (at the end of this post) and there you can download the package you need 😊 (Also sorry for the complicated mess hahaha)


I wish everything was free rn i cant get it :,<


Gracias por contestar, ok, me fijo.


Hi! I just downloaded the base, HQ pack. The hairstyles show up, but in white/red color and a questionmark on the face. Maybe you can explain what I did wrong? :) I downloaded each hairstyle (the basic ones), so not the bicolor or chunky files.

Barbie sim

Do i. need to delete Chromatic collection 1 -- like does Chromatic collection 2 base include chromatic collection 1? or should i keep both in game


They're different textures, 1 is for all the hairs I released all this time, and 2 is for the latest braided hair


The bangs aren’t showing up on certain hairstyles in the chromatic collection. But the originals are showing. What do I do?


Hey, so I have downloaded all the chromatic collection 1 hairs, the base package and the extras. Every time I log in I go to the hairs and the add ons for the chunky, and bicolors are nowhere in any of the categories. I'm not sure what I did wrong but I did all the stuff you mentioned in the post. I'm wondering if you would help me out with this I've been trying to make it work for 4 days .


Maybe there’s a part missing because it’s a chunky/bicolour hair. Those need the extras, and then you go into hats and select the second colour of the hair that will give texture to the missing part 😊


Hi! I’m so sorry you had to go through that for 4 days. You should have messaged me since day one, I would have helped sooner 😔. Just to see if I got it right, you can’t see the bicolour/chunky textures in hats/other accessories, right? Did you put the package file without modifying it with s4s? It’s a big merged package so any change could affect all items. Also write me in direct messages because sometimes I miss comments notifications and I want to help you with this.


I cannot for the life of me work out what I'm doing wrong but I can't get the hairs to have the pink and green thumbnail so the extras won't work. The hairs work on their own and the extras are there they just don't work. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?


When you download the hair, do you have the file that ends in “bicolour” in your mods folder? If you do, these appear below the “normal/full colour” hairs, scroll down a bit further and check if they’re there. If you still have issues DM me ☺️


Thanks for your fast reply! I don't think so, I have the base v1.0 and extras as well as base v1.2 and extras v1.2. I just followed the guided download but maybe I missed a step?


I just had the phone on my hands when you left the comment and got the notification hahaha. Okay so you have the textures (the chromatic collection), but I’m talking about the hairs only. When you download the hair it comes with 3 packages, two of them end in bicolour and chunky, right?


Ahhh, no I'm not seeing anything like that, I guess that's what I'm missing then? Where do I get those packages?


Here, any hair that works with the chromatic collection comes with 3 packages ☺️


I don't know why but I cant get them to show up in my game :( I downloaded the Base for 1 (no HQ no slides) & also the extras :(


hi!! i just became a patreon for your wonderful hair, but when i try to download from above the site does not work. -- EDIT: I think i figured it out, i clicked on the manual download and just chose no hq and downloaded those along with the link that ARE NOT slider compatible. As i dont use the slider in game. or do i need to click the slider compatible option? thanks!!!!


Hi! the base doesn't appear anywhere, it just makes the hairs work in game, or else you'd get a white/red sim with question marks, or are you getting this error?


Hello!! Thank you for joining 🥰 As for your question, if you aren't using the sliders you don't have to download the slider version. The only difference in that package is the textures format, which is bigger. The slider package will work with games that don't use the slider but you'll be taking more storage than what you'd need 😊


im so confused bro i downloaded the base now how do i dowload the pack?

Selina Slotter

Hi! Im not sure how to use these, when i choose a bicolor hair, one side changes color but the other side is just black. even when I use the mask thing with it, the mask (no matter which one) just adds another layer over the side that changes color and nothing on the black side.


Hi! The base are just the textures for the hairs to work, the extras are the roots/highlights/chunky & bicolour. Once you have that, then you download the hairs you want 😊 If you need help getting everything ready DM me and I'll gladly help you with everything you need ❤️


Hello! Let me help you with this haha. There are 2 things you need for the hairs that have 2 different colours. First you have to pick one of the hairs, either chunky or bicolour, and then you go into hats/skin details/tattoos (there's a list of all the categories in the Extras post) and you have to select the bicolour texture. This texture is the one that gives the second colour to the hair. The black parts you mention look like this because they need the texture. The thumbnail you need is the one that appears here at the second row in the middle https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-media/p/post/41748281/b19b5c7fd1c94c04a30e413cef6a3330/eyJyb3RhdGUiOjAsInciOjgyMH0%3D/1.png?token-time=1648684800&token-hash=cyU61M8WtX_a0G5XpFq0eZzWAPsmRTuidgAlmwkrmX4%3D


it's trying to "zip" the file on google drive and is failing. i can't download- what do i do??


Hi! Have you tried using the guided download? The file comes straight from my website and there shouldn't be issues with .zip. Also, in the manual download you only need a package per collection, so, supposing you don't use hq mod nor colour slider, you have to go to folder 1, non hq, base, and download that package. Then repeat the process with folder 2. Hope this helps, and if you still have issues just let me know again and I'll try to help you 😊


hello i love these hairs and they were working amazingly in my game, but just recently they stopped working. is it because of the new update?


Hi! Could you tell me what issue are you having so I know how to help? ☺️