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It's been a long day, saving 100 .dds files, one by one, isn't what I'd call entertaining 😂. And yes, you read it right, due to OCD reasons I made 5 extra colours hahahaha. Also you can see the huge space the swatches need (that's why I recommended the More Columns mod), tho, if someone feels that there are colours that won't be needed, feel free to open the .package on S4S and delete those you don't want.

I just tested all colours, all seem to look good in game, only issue I see is that the dark swatches look too similar, so I might fix that tomorrow. It's 1:35 here and I'm starting to have headache, too many hours using PC so I am heading to bed now.

If everything goes well, this should be done by late tomorrow 🤞 at least what you see on the pic. I have more things in mind but I want to keep it as surprise, basically because I have nothing done of that hahahaha.

Hope you all have a great weekend, and good night! See you all tomorrow with more news 😘




OMG u have the same CAS background like me haha, if u still have it? :)


Hahaha Yeah I've been using it for a long while, but after the horses EP I removed it because the horse and the mirror aren't good friends 😂


I think you did a awesome job on this hair texture. the high lights & low lights in the hair are amazing. giving the hair depth that we need so desperately in this game. Also the roots how you have it darker I love it makes for more realism. not like a wig was put on not that their is anything wrong with that if that's what you want of course. Thank you for your amazing work!!


Thank you so so much <3 It makes me so happy that you like it so much!!!