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Hi there :D

Hope you're all doing fine <3

I wanted to share with you something that I'm currently working on. I've always been asked to do curly hairs, but due to sims shaders and the huge amount of poly a curly hair requires I didn't make any.

Today I've spent hours trying to find a decent image of curls to edit it, paint on it, and use as texture. So... this is what I got, and to give it a first try I made this bob to show you how the texture looks. I'd love to paint one so it would match the straight texture I'm using, but I'm not skilled enough at drawing to do that hahaha, so all I can do is edit one and make it match my colours.

This is a very early stage of the texture/hair, but before working on it more I wanted to ask you all for feedback, especially asking if you're ok with using real hair textures on curly hairs rather than modelled in 3d (which like I said it'd be impossible for me to make due to polygons and shaders)

Thank you for your time, and wish you a good week. Stay safe! <3



Aaliyah Newton

I love it! I've been searching all over the internet for more curly hairstyles!


Thank you very much! ♥️ I will try to make more in the future :D


I love your hair so glad I joined... I want her skin lol


Thank you so much!!! The skin in that pic is from FashionRoyaltySims (tho that's not a sim, it's my base for modeling hair hahaha, with that I mean that it's a capture from 3ds max, not from the game)