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Hello everybody! Hope you're doing fine this weekend.

Today I've been working on a new palette for 2020, as the one I'm currently using is one year old.

I've been requested more golden blondes, more grays, and while I was doing that I got creative and made even a bunch of new colours, so I went from 27 to 60 colours 😂

I didn't delete any colour from current palette, but I brought 3 from old one, so if there was a colour you like from my current hairs, it's still there.

I even organized (again) the colours so they're easier to find, instead of adding the new ones at the end of the swatches list, let's blame my OCD for that hahaha

So that's all, just wanted to give you this little preview of what I'm working at right now 😊




I know this is old but I hope you add some more realistic red options in the future, the 3 in the top row are awesome but my hair is a little bit deeper (more like Jess Glynne) and I rarely see anything closer to it!


I just want to say thank you, thank you so much for the lime green hair! It is pretty impossible for me to find this specific shade in hair! Either its pastel green, or a forest green, but this, this is perfect! I pledged just because I noticed this shade and I want to say please, keep using it. And if you do update your previous hair with this palette, I would be ecstatic! My hair choice has been limited for my favorite sim due to the lack of this color and you just gave me hope. I'm sorry if this is a lot, but I just really had to express my gratitude. Thank you!