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Dear friends,

We're presently working on making improvement to the base gameplay. If there's anything that you would like us to change/refine/fix about the combat system, please let us know in the comments below.




I would consider borrowing some of Slay the Spire's ideas for skills and buffs/debuffs. That game has a lot of stuff, and a lot of people making mods for it too. Plenty of ideas to take from and adapt for your own use if you really want to amp up the combat.


Will you guys be making a Discord?


I'm happy the way things are, and I'm generally pretty tolerant of changes if they don't needlessly complicate things. I know that doesn't give any ideas of changes to make, but I figured I'd throw it out there, cause I can't be the only one that's happy the way things are.

qwep qwep

maybe adding attack cards that debuff enemies like they take more damage or deal less so there's more strategy. Maybe certain enemies also have a certain quirk or way of fighting so you have to prepare to fight certain monsters. An example is spiders could use a lot of poison so you would want to stock up on antidote potions or something. Preparing to for combat beforehand could also be something interesting to look into since it makes sense you would want to use the right tools for what you're hunting.


Making it so that you could "Drag" the cards onto yourself or enemies would make combat much smoother, kinda like in Slay the Spire. Just a quality of life suggestion. Also maybe add some AOE attacks? We've also got a bow that we can't use in combat, maybe make cards for that


Maybe being able to combine different cards to do combos would be neat


I had actually forgotten about the bow! Wow!


I'd like to see more variety in enemy attack patterns. They seem to have a cycle they repeat, and you can always see what they're going to do next


I think the easiest way to improve gameplay currently, is to add more. Personally I'd love to see more dungeons, like the Arachne one, high risk high reward back-to-back fights with possible events/treasure rooms. The further you get, the harder the fights and the better the rewards, if you leave before finishing, you have to start over next time.


While adding more variety is sure a way to go, I would also like an option to re-draw my hand. Maybe a relic that gives you one chance to re-draw or just having that option in general. Having an enemy on low health and about to armor up but getting mostly defensive cards yourself is kinda meh...or it could save you with a lucky heal card when the fight goes badly. A gamble mechanic for sure but that option sounds nice to me.


I think it could be cool to introduce card “types”, then have there be a combo interaction between them. As an example, a “feint” (a defensive card that raises dodge for one attack) followed by a “stab” could bypass defenses. And have different attack cards work better or worse against certain mobs. There could then be mini quests or purchasable cards to allow for “new” cards. So maybe the executioner teaches “Two Hand Slash” which has a higher chance to miss but does double damage. And maybe the Witch sells a “Poison” card. Finally, usable items could be a huge way to increase the variety in combat. Buffs, debuffs, etc.


Furthermore, I think there are opportunities for adjusting how enemies work. Fights are super deterministic, adding variety to attack patterns as well as abilities could help. Maybe have groups of enemies able to combo off each other. I think someone else mentioned this, but including dungeons or delves where you have to fight set enemies in a row, and if you escape or run you start over. Short versions could be used to augment “forrest” explorations quests earlier on. Then have these repeatable as a way to grind rewards (extra crafting items and more gold). This would also encourage deck building and prepping before entering.