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Getting some final pics ready for a post tomorrow.

Stream is on for tomorrow for $5+

Either Saturday or Sunday i'll be doing a stream with some color and some greyscale study stuff

Monday or Tuesday of next week i'm going to stream to clear off the patreon pic backlog, sorry for the delay.

I've been clearing some commission backlog recently that accumulated from months ago when I was streaming way too often resulting in me getting burned out.

I'm trying to figure out the best way to proceed with the patreon stuff because I want to do more colored work but it has to be subjects that i actually care about, most of the requests usually dont interest me that much (or they were drawn poorly because I did them on stream) and I need to start drawing more ideas for myself I feel.

anyway give me your feedback, what would you guys like to see more of, or what changes should I make.



Maybe you should either focus on characters you like, or come up with a list of ones you're interested in and then do a poll/wheel. I think the "constantly checking the suggestions" leads to dedicated people making a million suggestions and also leads to you doing ones you're "meh" about. People wouldn't mind watching streams of just one piece you're into.


I think it would be cool if you took less requests and just drew whoever or whatever you wanted. Especially if it meant you wanted to put more effort into the quality.


Personally I sign up for patreons to see what the artist can do with regular funding. I’d love to see you do more work that you’re wanting to do. I think your original content and your fan art are equally awesome, anyway, so I’m not worried. And I’m really excited to see more colored stuff when you can manage it!


Hey LM, if you want you could also suspend all requests for a bit so you can focus on the characters that you had in mind. It will also allow you to catch up on any work that you other wise might have on backlog. I’d really like to see what material you’d come up without the rest of us getting in your way. Also if this means better and more refine art from you, then all the better. I believe this might allow you to tackle larger and better projects that you might had in mind, but couldn’t quite realize before without it becoming to overwhelming for you. Your a single person after all. It’s not like you can train someone to help you with this stuff.


I'd love to see you do more color and improve with it, it might help you to stop making the suggestions a weekly thing, leave it in the channel and just do a suggestion stream whenever some strike your fancy. You could decrease the number of patreon monthly suggests you do and leave that as your regular request stuff. More stuff with your OCs would be excellent, and it'd be cool to see you do more with that game development. That zelda comic sure was coming along nice as well.


Cutting back on requests sounds perfectly fine to me, especially if you're getting burned out doing them. If its affecting your ability to make higher qualty stuff then I feel its perfectly understandable to cut back working on things you don't have much interest in. I've said this before but I (and I know a lot of other people) would love to see more of what you personally want to work on and the projects you have going. Things like coloring, more pictures with your original characters, and your video game stuff would be awesome to see more of. You could also get back to your Zelda t-shirts project if you wanted.

Todd Whitesel

I also would like to see more color and comics (or whatever artistic direction gets you excited) at the expense of quantity. Frankly I don't know what to do with the zillions of character+pose drawings so I am fine if you track away from doing so many of those. Of the recent uploads I find that I mostly like the images that have characters interacting and doing something other than just enumerating kama sutra poses (for example many of the recent images you've done of hand jobs have been interesting), and I would love to see more of those but with more detail and color -- even if it's only a few a month (or really, whatever output rate ends up being the most sustainable for you). I'm also eager to see how the Zelda comic turns out, so pretty much anything that enables more work on it would be fine by me :3


Definitly cuit back on requests and do some self work. Don't force yourself do do something you arent satisfyed with; Your ideas and self made work is and will always be your best content and I'm sure everyone agrees that seeing you do what you prefer in terms of content creation will always be better for everyone in the long term. As long as we get any Zelda I'm always happy either way


I love anatomy that you draw, it will be cool if you do original characters with stuff that you like and not necesserly in porn pose, just full body or like charcater design. I love when you color your drawings too. The only colored drawings that we get from you are already awesome.