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later today i'll be posting more Sketches

as well as 3 Patreon Sketches that are done

I'm going to wrap up that Urbosa by the end of the month

Currently in the process of reworking the Zelda comic, which means I need to go back and flatten all the layers that that I can better manage the frames. I'll be needing to cut some frames and adding a few others. The idea is that by having it all on one layer I can use the line tool to make preliminary comic panels very quickly. There are a couple of pages that have way too many frames on one page that I need to rework. Now that I know a lot more about proper story telling It'll come out a lot more efficient and clear. any extra panels I'll try to save for the end as a little montage of cut sketches.

I currently have a "Blonde Milf" Comic idea, still need to give her a name.
I'll be working on it these coming streams. It's a very short comic much like the Linda sketch comic i did. As it stands now I feel it's pretty solid storywise so i'll be doing thumbnails and such for it on $10+ streams.

I will be uploading Recordings and some PSD's by or just past the end of the month. Unfortunately picarto has some weird issues where it's not actually recording my streams so that I can save them to the VOD list.
That's why those haven't been working for a while.

 I'm slowly working my way toward more Inks and Coloring so I can bring you some better pics in the future. It does mean I can't do as many sketches tho since inking and coloring takes a while. I'll be sticking with flat cel shade for a while, but i'll be doing some practice streams on more of that painty style to see if I can make some large leaps in improvement.

thanks to everyone for your support and patience as always.


(No title)



Any news on the Zelda comic is good news to me


You're spoiling us, man. This is a lot, and I"m looking forward to all of it. <3


Very excited for the news and direction for the new year! You are amazing LM! Cheers


Yay! Zelda comic incoming. Also, It is inspiring to know you are striving for even better quality. NOW, I am motivated to draw harder. It looks like 2018 is going to be an amazing year. ^.^