Patch on September 3rd 2020 (Patreon)
Dear all,
I am sorry to inform you that since the patch on september 3rd 2020, all cc doors and windows are broken. Has to do with the changes they made to the window placement. If people who updated their games shut them down after reselecting showing mods/cc reopen the game, simmies will go through cc doors and arches and light will get in from cc windows... There are comments about it here, by maglev666 (with pictures). (Thanks to szanne7000 for the information).
We can only wait for Sims4Studio will make a batch fix for this or wait for the creators updated their windows. :(
Note: THE SIMS 4 STUDIO BATCH FIX IS OUT ! ❤️ 2020/11/17
Here is the simple tutorial on how to fix the windows and doors by Syboulette: 請點下面連結看簡易教學來修復門窗 英文版 ( 請善用Google 翻譯喔!)