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I’ve uploaded a video showing the contents of the captured carts here:


A few notes.

  1. The novelty of watching this will most likely wear off well before the video finishes. Spare a thought for the chap who had to view this many, many times.
  2. The original slide quality and hence the video recording of these is not exactly at IMAX level.
  3. The audio is not amazing either - but it’s been normalised, equalised and noise reduction(ed)…this is as good as it gets with my tools - and it’s plenty good enough to be listenable.
  4. The end of the video features the contents of some silent carts - these were made as silent slideshows.
  5. If you think something about this upload should have been done better, consider that unlike 75% of Silent Era movies that are totally lost forever, everyone can now ‘enjoy’ the contents of these carts, but nevertheless if messing around with this kind of thing, is your bag, I’ve provided a link here to download the full video file. - It’s around 13GB. But also read point 6…
  6. I’m totally done with these and never want to see anything to do with them ever again…and no I don’t want to buy any stamps.

Enjoy your weekend.


Post Office Commpak Carts Slideshow


Johan Eriksson

So Mat, you say you don't want to buy stamps...but what about post-cards? Special envelopes? Traveller's Cheques? I tip my hat to your tenacity, Sir - producing 1,5 hr of snoozefest material is no mean feat! :-)

Tony Ortale

Maybe it's because I didn't grow up with this, but I find these incredibly relaxing... or maybe it's because I didn't have to spend hours viewing these repeatedly. Either way, thanks for archiving these! I will absolutely be watching this whole video. Maybe not in one sitting, but this will probably be my wind down video at night until I've completed the whole thing!

Tony Ortale

It took over two months, but I have finally enjoyed the entire video! Thanks again for archiving and uploading.