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This week I’ve been attempting some repairs - as well as a Patreon experiment.

Before you click on the embedded video above or the link below - I'd recommend taking a moment to read this post, because there are two different versions of the video here.

Whenever I’m making a video I assemble all the clips I might use into a rough edit. I then tidy things up and make the video snappier by snipping out any extraneous sections that slow things down or don't add value.

When the initial pre-edit version of this video ended up almost 40 mins long I realised I'd be doing quite a bit of cutting. So I thought I’d give you the chance to see the ‘uncut edition’ as well. (UPDATE - this was a bad idea - don't worry, following the feedback this experiment will not be repeated).

Patreon has recently added the ability to upload videos directly to the platform (in 1080p and at a low bitrate). I wanted to *try this feature out* and I thought this would be a good video to use for this experiment. I wanted to see how well the Patreon player worked. What better video to try it with than one that would normally not be seen.

The embedded video at the top of this post is the 'uncut' (Patron only) version. This is not the finished edit. It contains errors.

The snappier (public edit) version on YouTube is linked here. https://youtu.be/_hpLKp4Aaag

Unless you're interested in seeing how the sausage is made, I'd recommend watching the YouTube version.

OK, that’s a big enough wall of text from me. I hope everyone has a great week. Look after yourselves.


I’ve read the feedback about the Patreon video player. There’s no better way for me to discover how well (or otherwise) something functions than trying it out.

This was an *experiment* - that didn't work out and therefore will not be repeated.



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