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You may have seen me mention that last week’s video about VHD was very well received by subscribers but didn’t seem to attract many views from anyone else. One factor I suspect was the 30 mins length…but I’ve another theory that I’d like to do an experiment with.

I’ve noticed that many of the most popular videos on youtube seem to use a very similar thumbnail picture. The formula for this is a composite of a person making a surprised face, the product being featured and a few words in very large text.

This week’s video seems like the perfect time to see what happens to viewing figures when one of my otherwise normal videos gets one of these formulaic thumbnail pictures. 

So here’s the video a couple of days early for patreon viewers, but please bear in mind that it’s one of my simpler videos, the ones that I need to make after a long complicated one…just to give me a bit of a breather.


Playbutton - Albums in a Button / Badge

A look at the defunct Playbutton MP3 Player. An album that plays itself. ---Purchasing---- New-old-stock Playbutton albums can often be found on ebay in the US: https://goo.gl/jymEsq -------------SUPPORT--------------- This channel can be supported through Patreon https://www.patreon.com/techmoan Patrons usually have early access to videos ---------------SUBSCRIBE------------------ http://www.youtube.com/user/Techmoan?sub_confirmation=1 ---INFO--- Ebay link is affiliated.



So Matt after a few days by your estimation does the thumbnail have an effect? Morbidly curious I suppose


Funnily enough - I was just about to post a post (?) - give me a mo.


Sure, having a pint on a Friday night, standing by