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I’m revisiting a painful collective memory, one that’s shared by many people my age in the UK…the 1980s scourge of the Amstrad ‘Hi-Fi’.

After I slept on this last night I feel that the video could do with being cut down by a few minutes to make it flow a little quicker. If I get the chance I’ll be doing a re-edit to snip some stuff out before the final version of this goes live. However as a Patreon subscriber you get to see this original edit and without adverts.


It’s been a bit of a struggle getting back into the swing of things this year. After my holiday was followed by the Christmas break and all the disruption that goes along with that, I’d almost forgotten how to do this. In addition I've been spending time trying to move things along regarding the sale of my fathers house. This involved an unplanned two day trip across the country.

It’s also a rather fallow time of the year for interesting new tech, although I have just invested in the new DJI wireless mics. Those are more something for behind the scenes, although you might see one pinned on a shirt at some point. I need to spend time testing them first though before I could trust them in a real video. 

Oh and I also ordered a car to replace the Smart, I’ll talk more about that nearer its delivery date - and perhaps I’ll go into why electric cars didn’t make it to my shortlist.

Finally I’ve also been for some tests relating to my possible medical trial. I’m currently filling in a daily electronic diary and with any luck I’ll hear about whether I’ve been accepted on this in the first week of February. I’m pinning all my hopes on this working out, so fingers crossed.

I hope you’re all well, and if this is relevant to you in your part of the world…please take extra care on those icy surfaces. Both my mother and father in law broke their collar bones in separate incidents falling over around Christmas. I fear their jugging act aspirations are now in tatters. Take care.


I’ve finished the final edit - it’s a bit shorter but also incorporates the updated patent information (thanks Michael).  I think it’s better video as a result. If you’re interested, here’s the link https://youtu.be/Zqzrm_4_B94


AMSTRAD 'Hi-Fi' - the Mug's Eyeful (PATREON EDITION)

An unwise purchase made almost forty years ago still irks after all these years. MERCHANDISE New Techmoan Merchandise is now available. https://etsy.me/3zzjweo SUBSCRIBE http://www.youtube.com/user/Techmoan?sub_confirmation=1 SUPPORT This channel can be supported through Patreon https://www.patreon.com/techmoan *******Patrons usually have early access to videos******* OUTRO MUSIC Over Time - Vibe Tracks https://youtu.be/VSSswVZSgJw OUTRO SOUND EFFECT ThatSFXGuy - https://youtu.be/5M3-ZV5-QDM Regularly asked question Q) Why are there comments from days ago when this video has just gone live today? A) Patrons https://www.patreon.com/techmoan usually have early access to videos. I'll show the first version of a video on Patreon and often the feedback I get results in a video going through further revisions to improve it. e.g. Fix audio issues, clarify points, add extra footage or cut extraneous things out. The video that goes live on youtube is the final version. If you want to see the videos early and before any adverts are added, you can sign up to Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/techmoan


Sam Parsons

When you opened up that speaker I fell about laughing. I’m surprised there wasn’t a dead animal in there tbh.


I do think this was a little harsh on Amstrad. The concept of Amstrad was to (by Alan Sugar's own admission) "pile them high and sell them cheap". While of course nobody can deny these machines were made from cheap components, it did allow people who wanted a piece of equipment which looked the part and which could be placed in their living room to have that. They could show it off to friends and use it for the basics. Some people didn't actually care about the specs, they just wanted it to look the part. In addition some people could not afford anything better. It is the same today. Buy cheap, buy twice, this idea is as old as the world. The first computers I owned were cheap tosh, if anything that made me more interested because I kept having to repair them. I can't condemn Amstrad or Sugar for that. All options are my own.


You’re conflating what was happening ‘behind the scenes - and unknown to the public’ with ‘what is presented to the customer’. You’ll never find an advert where Amstrad says “we pile them high and sell them cheap”. The customers, public, weren’t advised that Amstrad HiFi was in any way suboptimal. If I ran a seafood restaurant cooking out of date food but it was a bit cheaper than the other seafood places in town, it might well attract more customers. After a few people got stomach upsets they might not go again. Other people were fine and thought it was good value. However if years later the owner wrote a book where he said that all the ingredients were bought cheaply because no one else wanted them and they were classed as pig food…you might have a good reason to feel that you were taken advantage of.