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A chance to watch tomorrow's video, today. Hope you enjoy. 

By the way,  I've got a few commitments for the first two weeks in December, so I'm trying to make sure videos get auto-released in my absence.

What this means is that there won't be early access to these videos (due to the way scheduled releases work on youtube). Also I might not manage to get one video per week out in December. I'm trying my best to get as much done in advance as I can, but time is rapidly running out. Christmas is the time of the year when lots of things coincide , and many people take a few days break, so I trust you understand. 


Oscilloscope Music - Pictures from Sound

You can make an oscilloscope display shapes by playing sounds into it. Making music from these sounds while simultaneously displaying images drawn by those sounds takes things to another level. CLICK SHOW MORE In the video I fix up and put an old oscilloscope to a new use, and show how you can watch these audio-visual demos even if you don't have a oscilloscope by using a computer.


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