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It's not been the best month and I really want to explain why...

This is the audio only version - a video version is available in a separate post.

Here’s the link to the latest BGM cart upload on YouTube - https://youtu.be/gV_fpuj5bzI (I ended up posting the full four hours).




Yes, the NHS and it's people really ARE a great good for the country... Don't give it up like the Netherlands did. Really, the US system is NEVER better...


Sorry to be late commenting here. I'm a new patron, as of today, and am taking a lovely leisurely look through all this older material on Patreon (I've been watching your videos and enjoying the high quality for a very long time–your content might even have been the first example that turned me on to YouTube as a genuine creator platform, and not just a place where people posted stolen Family Guy clips, or some hobbyist pointed a camera at something they found interesting and just talked for 30 minutes solid without once moving the camera). Anyway, down to brass tacks. I've just come out of a period of "family events" remarkably similar to yours. My mother was in a care home, and had both dementia and short-term memory loss. She was "high functioning" and could still chat to em – I always said to people she was around 60% of what she used to be. And she would call me several times a day. The pattern was to call, instantly forget, then call again as if she hadn't called all day. She also had Sundowners Syndrome, a form of dementia where anxiety ramps up as the evening begins. As far as she was concerned, the way she was feeling was a blue-light emergency and I should rush over immediately, but of course while it was new to her, it wasn't new to me. Her record was calling 85 times in one evening. I'm not going to be patronising and offer advice. I don't know if you want it. But... What helped me enormously was Age Concern, who ran one-to-one counselling sessions for family of dementia sufferers, and also group sessions for family members, too. I was lucky enough to get a really good counsellor. I think the key thing is to just reach outside of your immediate environment, if you aren't already, and get others involved. (In general this is good advice for many personal situations that are intolerable.) Anyway, I enjoy your videos and long may they continue. I comment on a few here and there. I've been working as a journalist and content creator for a while, with some stories to tell. In many ways you're doing what I would love to do if I had the time or talent. I always think you're doing us all a service by doing videos on all the old gadgets we used to press our faces against Dixons' windows to gaze at – it certainly avoids me having a load of old partially-dismantled gadgets and technology around the house! Keir Thomas-Bryant https://keirthomas.com


It's very kind of you to post this. I've never heard of Sundowners Syndrome before. I feel my father has good days/hours and bad ones, but nothing to this degree. I'm still spending a lot of time trying to sort out the family estate. My mission is to get enough money into my dad's bank account so he can pay for the rest of his days in his current care home. It's just a lot of admin to get this to happen. I'm happy that I eventually managed to get him into a place that he is happy with. Anyway I'm glad you're here and there are plenty of YouTubers who are using the platform for interesting and entertaining content - finding them amongst the chaff is the issue...as YouTube prefers to promote the chaff first.