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I'd like to share an update about the HD-VMD video.

Here’s the link to this video message just for Patrons https://youtu.be/oCiYnU7mWIA

Finally here’s the link to the newly updated version of the HD-VMD video https://youtu.be/07Z4iL8hy1A

UPDATE: The unviewable demo disc. Lots of people have tried various ways to watch this. on a personal level this is not something I’m interested in…but since I’m still getting requests for a copy of these files here’s the link I’ve been providing every time someone has asked https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=kZz1mxXZ1s2aOudJCnfvio2t2ulb1y7XevEX


HD-VMD UPDATE (for Patrons)

UPDATED HD-VMD VIDEO HERE: https://youtu.be/07Z4iL8hy1A



A bit late to the "let's analyze the format party".. HD_V004.VMD has some nice repeating patterns that suggest that the first 256 bytes after each GOP header are encrypted. Repeated encrypted groups strongly point to a 16 byte block cipher, most likely AES or3-DES. Even though only a small portion of the video is encrypted, it's more than enough to mess everything up as all I frames are lost.


Recovering the key may be possible by analyzing player firmware, however since the drive does not read discs anymore it is possible there is no way to recover the encryption key.


Any chance of getting an iso or some sort of raw dump for the demo disks?


I uploaded this one a while back - https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=kZz1mxXZ1s2aOudJCnfvio2t2ulb1y7XevEX