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As requested I’ve made a video talking about how I ended up with an electric car in 2020. It’s a poorly structured video. Perhaps I’ll try to clear up a few points in future updates...but for the moment, here it is.


I hope things stay cordial, I wouldn’t like to see a repeat of the rinsing plates controversy from yesterday. So I’d best say that all opinions expressed in the video are fictional and are not reflective of the opinions of myself or anyone else. Whatever car you’re driving is definitely super cool and way better than any of mine.


Car Talk - Patreon Extra

Some asked for this - here it is. I'm talking about cars and how over the last year or so I've bought two that I didn't really want.


Vicky FU

So tiny!


Is this our first glimpse of Mrs Techmoan? (Sorry if this has already been mentioned in the comments, had a quick skim read through them but didn’t see anything) Long time TM viewer but only just signed up to Patreon and working my way through the old exclusives.


I don’t think she’s in here - I try to make sure she keeps here anonymity because she’s not interested in appearing in the videos.


Hi Mat, thanks for replying. That’s what I figured which is why I had a “sit up and point at the TV” moment. 5:18 sat in the mini? To be fair I think anonymity has remained as its very brief and you have to squint.