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My apologies for interrupting whatever you were doing, I‘d just like to pose a question that may help me with the next video. 

I’m working with a piece of Japanese made technology that dates from the late 1960s (probably). I imported it from Japan and it came with a Japanese record.

The slightly unusual thing is that the controls on it are labelled in French (arret  pousser marche lever).

I’m familiar with English language labelling being used on Japanese domestically sold tech as a standard practice ‘Volume’, ‘Power’ etc  - but I’ve never seen French used in this manner. 

I believe there are a number of Patrons with first hand knowledge of living in Japan - so my question to them (and anyone else who has experience with this) is...  have you seen French labelling used on JDM* products?  

I know very little about this device so I’m trying to figure out if it was intended to be exported to France or if the French text is a red herring (hareng rouge).

*Japanese Domestic Market


Thanks for the input this tells me what I need to know,  that French labelling is not common in Japan. 

Now I know to mention it as something that would be unusual for a JDM product. 

The presence of the French text indicates that it’s likely a version of this was exported to (or intended to be exported to) France. 

Many thanks for your help as always. 



I think your conclusion is correct, but I also think it would be worth mentioning how much French language and culture is (was?) popular in Japan. Others above have mentioned Paris Syndrome as I came here to do. I grew up (in Australia) with French/Japanese co-production cartoons. One of my all-time favorite songs is sung in French by a Japanese pop singer. There are significant cultural influences. ... My point being, best to acknowledge this, as something known but not likely to be the reason for that labeling, else you'll have no end of other idiots like me tripping over each other to point it out :-)