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Audio version of the March Patreon-only update.  

(Video version also available in separate post)

Links to things mentioned.  

Coturn portable record player on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/coturn/coturn-portable-record-player

The RTM cassette player that I didn’t feature: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rtm2020/mystik-a-next-generation-portable-cassette-player




Gotta love that nought to eighteen sad onion


I don't know if you've ever seen those stickers on toys - they usually say 0-3 rather than 0-18 (I doctored it). They always make me smile because of the sad face of the 0-3 year old who is too young to play with the toy.


Hahaha, amazing! The Coturn portable record player had showed up on my Facebook feed a few weeks back and I commented something along the lines of “I’ll wait for Techmoan to inevitably tell us how rubbish this is!” Sounds like you’ve got slightly more faith in this product than me. I eagerly await your thoughts on it (if it’s ever actually produced).