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I’m not convinced this video is either A) Interesting or B) Useful


UPDATE: Following your feedback I’ve made a few nips and tucks to the video. The new one is embedded and linked above. Thanks as always for your help.


How do I bid on Japanese auctions? What are the costs?

Over the last few years I've featured a number of interesting products that were only for sale to the Japanese Domestic Market (JDM). While some were bought ...


Chris K

These cushion thinggies (instapak?) are quite expensive. One of them costs between 3 and 5 USD in my quick search. Surely one reason for that high price.


I know I'm a bit late to the party on this one... Chaos Theory reigns lately. My question is... Why? Why did you go to all of the expense for this particular item? Is it something that you always wanted? Or is it just something that you thought would make a particularly good video? Definitely seems like a lot of expense and trouble. Can't wait to see what you do with it. As always, fascinating and an interesting cautionary Tale. Thanks, Mat.


I had some vague plans to do something with it, but nothing concrete. It’ll be used - but it’ll never be value for money.