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I’ve just woken up to over 400 notifications - wow. Many thanks for your help, it’s going to take me the morning to enter these results into a spreadsheet.  I’d best draw a line under it at this point as I definitely have enough data.  Thanks for all your input  - it was a lot easer than standing in the street with a clipboard asking passers by.  

I’ve left the original post below, however Lines are Now closed and results are being counted. 

I’ll be editing a new video over the next few days and if you’ve got the time I’d be very happy if could help me out with something.

All I’m looking for is for you to name five companies who are (or were) known for making HiFi.

Please post your five in a single comment under this post.  Just any five names that come into your head. They don’t have to be current, high-end, low-end or any end for that matter - any five HiFi manufacturers past or present - the first ones you can think of. They also don’t just have to be solely Hi-Fi companies they could be better known for making other things.

The results won’t be linked to anyone  - I’ll be adding all the results together to get a top ten.

Don’t let any previous responses sway your response - it’s probably best to think of five before seeing what everyone else has put.

All will be revealed later in the week (hopefully).



gutted I missed this, but going to put mine down anyway: Leak, Richard Allan, Celestion, Ariston, SME


Tandberg, Revox, Onkyo, B&O, Technics