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Part 1 of the November 2019 Video odd-cast.


There's also an audio only version in a separate post. 

Links to things mentioned in this video

DCC Documentary: https://youtu.be/TIzU5K76gBA

Rambo 3 End Credits video: https://youtu.be/Cx4ey-EmLm4

Part 2 will follow in two days (UPDATED - it’ll probably be on Sunday now)


Pat-ex Nov '19 Part 1



Thank you for sharing the bit about your eyesight, Mat. A relative of mine is going through similar health challenges, and your detail helped me understand what he is going through.


Wow, I have the same issue with not being able to smell or taste flavor- and only in the last year or so I've started to get all mucousy, and only in the last few months have I started having to try to use nasal spray. I've never had it looked at even though it's been a good 20-years that I haven't been able to smell anything. If you don't mind me asking, when did your issues really start to ramp up where you had them start to cut stuff out? Was that more recent - like in the last 5-years or so? I'm just wondering since you're the first person I've heard of that has had the same issues as myself. Obviously if you're sick of talking about it - no issues, no offense taken. In any case it really is helpful info.


They started to remove stuff when I really couldn’t breathe though my nose any more. Then after that they kept an eye on it and when the polyps returned they took them out again...and then again. I forget where it all started though, I have a feeling they were looking at something else like labyrinthitis initially - it’s a long time ago now - longer than my memory. It definitely sounds like you’ve got polyps. I’d recommend having an ENT specialist take a look and then having them removed if they’re there - they don’t return for everyone, and from what you say about the delay between your smell and taste going - it sounds like yours grow much slower than mine