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Your input is appreciated.

I've been making the occasional Patreon exclusive video, however feedback seems to indicate that it may be better knocking this idea on the head and take the day off instead. 

I've made one more new pat-ex video for March 2019 

You can view it here: https://youtu.be/iLVlzg4glhk (it's no masterpiece - just a chat).

Please let me know how you feel about these types of videos in the survey below. 


Jay Roberts

Keep up the patex vids pleeeeeease.... love the raw chats and other insights they provide as a devourer of content.


I've just been able to finish this one. I checked out the Techmoan Wikipedia entry, and I would like to think that being mentioned by Popular Mechanics lead to you being entry worthy. However, it's probably the shout out by gizmodo that did it.