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'Painting myself into a corner with a cheese sandwich' and other mixed metaphors feature in this Patrons-only monologue regarding little of genuine consequence. It's like a one-man show with a low-rent Spalding Gray...so more like a Greying Bald monologue. 

*'Pat-ex' is my new lazy abbreviation for 'Patreon Exclusive' that I'm attempting to smuggle into the lexicon.


End of November 2018 Patreon catch-up


Justin T Lee

I definitely empathize as well about being quiet and working at home for long periods of time ... and going a bit mad because of it! I hope you can take a little break, Mat. Happy holidays. :)


Don't blame you for avoiding engaging with YouTube comments: there are some absolute idiots out there that deserve no response but given the amount you get, it wouldn't be practical anyhow!