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It's time for an update video. Youtube gave me a choice of three thumbnails for this video - all of which made me look like a character from Wallace & Gromit. The auto thumbnail algorithm seems to be looking for an image with a smile, but since they'd find more smiles in a Buster Keaton feature, this appears to be the closest it can get. 

Anyway it's another blather video - after reviewing it, this one seems to be slightly out of focus, so my advice is to treat it like an audio podcast with a bonus blurry video...or watch it on a small screen smartphone where you won't notice any issues. 

After posting this I'm off to bed (it's 23:37 here) so if I don't reply it's because I'm asleep. I'll see you in the morning.


October Catch Up Blather



i absolutely hate the Ebay Global Shipping program its just a cash grab by eBay and Pitney Bowes. i always ask sellers to turn it off when i order from the US. Damaged and more expensive shipping. had a item sealed in its original box from the seller but came to me without the original box in pieces and missing major parts. so i just refuse to use the program


Oh man. I walked out of the room when he was talking about Twitter, and I walked back in (coffee in hand) and the first thing I heard was "My new album is coming out on Monday." For a confusing moment I thought TechMoan was REALLY diversifying. Just saying, if Techmoan really did have an album out, I'd absolutely buy it, even though I'm sure I wouldn't have the equipment to play it.