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A quickly made follow up to the VinylVideo video, answering a few questions with demonstrations as well as going off on a tangent or two. This is just an extra Patrons only video. There'll be a proper new full length video along at the weekend.

By the way - the picture above is youtube's autogenerated thumbnail (it was the best of the three).


VinylVideo Q & A (Patreon Exclusive)


Peter Laws

I immediately thought of someone who would appreciate this ... <a href="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/78/14/de/7814deffba298cd8586e036256c64da1.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.pinimg.com/originals/78/14/de/7814deffba298cd8586e036256c64da1.jpg</a>


At a guess - I'd say that was 1975. That's a lot of money back that - heck that would be a lot of money now.

Sterling Treadwell

odd thought but, if you were to encode an audio/video stream like what ends up on the vinyl, but transmitted the "sound" via short or long range radio where the recipient would have that decoder and could pick up the feed and play it, would it even work. I am thinking some lowtech spy stuff really. also, does anyone have a guide or details about how exactly the data is encoded onto the vinyl? (not data.. media i guess? ). It'd be all aces if there was an encoder out there to use and you could effectively draw a TechMoan clip in and run it through your decoder and then record that to use or show us.. haha.. I don't know why but the idea of seeing you on that kind of video tickles me :D


Hang on a couple of weeks and I might have something to show you with regard to your last thought.