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A little something for the weekend? - Why certainly, how about a look at an abandoned video....

Not every video works out as planned, this is one of those. There are just too many technical issues with it - it's the video equivalent of a rokblok.

If I were to put this out in the subscriber feed it would just generate complaints. People would be queuing up to lecture me about frame-rates, aperture controls, exposure compensation etc. However perhaps the biggest problem is that youtube's re-encoding process couldn't handle the bright visuals on display here and added a cloudy halo blob around everything that   wasn't present on the original video.

So while I've canned it, I thought I'd still share it with you here, because if you can put up with one of my blatherthon videos then this should be a walk in the park. Just as long as you know to approach it more as an extended outtake with a very shaky opening (literally) which then goes downhill, off the rails and lands flat on it's face.


Thanks to your positive words I've now gone back and re-edited it, adjusted the exposure a bit, added a new intro and it's scheduled to go out in about five weeks. That's how far ahead I am now. I'm working on a few other videos at the moment, so it's more than likely this won't be the only one published that week. But if you get a sense of deja-vu in Mid April you aren't imagining it. 


Extra Video : Laser Games



Couldn't have been all that cold in the garage if we couldn't see your breath. Come visit us in western NY state in January if you want to see what real cold is! :)

Vicky FU

Watched it!