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Here’s a video to keep everyone here on Patreon that supports me updated with my current goings-on while simultaneously answering a few FAQs…and talking nonsense. 

Two things you should know before pressing play: 

1) There’s an annoying wire dangling into shot at the top left. If I’d noticed it before uploading I would have cropped it out. However since its taken hours for this video to get processed by youtube, we’ll just have to live with it. Perhaps you could scroll it off the top of your screen if it annoys you (it will, now that I've mentioned it). 

2) This is the kind of video you could put on in the background while doing other things without really missing out on seeing anything. This is probably the best way to play it, it’s just like a podcast with extraneous video. 


February 2018 Mega-Blather (Patreon Exclusive)

A Patron-only update for February 2018



Have a great holiday with Mrs Techmoan! My partner and I love everything you do on here & YouTube; plus really appreciate the time and effort you put in to your content. I can’t believe your update vid was 45 mins, as it felt like only a few moments ago when we sat down to watch it. Find your stuff so interesting! All the best!


Thanks I'll be trying my best to take a proper break. If I was being hip, I'd say I was doing a one month 'digital detox', but I'm going in another direction and I've packed my Nintendo Switch. I rarely get a chance to use it at home, but with little to no access to the internet or any projects to work on, I might finally get the opportunity to play a few games. It's either that or read a book...I'll probably do a bit of both as there's a lot of down-time on this holiday and I don't like to sunbathe. I've got four new videos scheduled for you while I'm away, but I have six videos finished. So if I happen to drop dead tomorrow, I can do a 2Pac and continue to release new stuff posthumously.


I'm obviously late to this thread but, I find your outlook on life's musings etc to be spot on. I maybe the world's youngest gout patient (thankfully under control now) and there's no end to what people think I should do about it. The only one I listen to is my doc. FWIW, it truly is a silver lining that you're inspired enough to make captivating educational content and I thank you for your efforts. My kids and I love the puppets and totally agree that you use them where you can and feel like. Bests!


Many thanks and if the Mrs ever returns to her real office and I ever have a half decent idea for a puppet outro then I’ll be posting them here exclusively on Patreon to get around the youtube issues.