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A surprising number of people enquired whether I would be making a video about my new turntable.  They'd spotted it in a couple of recent videos and were interested to know why I'd replaced my Sansui. The simple answer is nothing more exciting than I wanted a record player with a hinged lid, but also I'll take any excuse to buy something as smart as this. 

Initially I thought there wouldn't be enough to say about it, beyond the fact it's a record player and it plays records. However as you'll see, this ended up occupying twenty minutes of video. 

So in the video I explain why I chose this particular 'vintage' turntable, I pass on a few tips for anyone thinking of buying a second hand player and explain my laissez-faire attitude when it comes to chasing audio quality.

I hope you enjoy the video.


The DENON DP 47F Turntable - an Automatic Classic

I recently bought a new (old) record player - here’s a video about it. There are a few tips scattered throughout this video that might be useful to someone considering buying a second hand turntable. My Denon DP-47F came from ebay. Here are a few ebay links that will search for any currently for sale. (UK) http://ebay.to/2DjEZvP (US) http://ebay.to/2Dax6p9 (DE) http://ebay.to/2DgM1Ci -------------SUPPORT--------------- This channel can be supported through Patreon https://www.patreon.com/techmoan Patrons usually have early access to videos ---------------SUBSCRIBE------------------ http://www.youtube.com/user/Techmoan?sub_confirmation=1 ----------Outro Music----------- Over Time - Vibe Tracks https://youtu.be/VSSswVZSgJw ------Outro Sound Effect------ ThatSFXGuy - https://youtu.be/5M3-ZV5-QDM LINKS: Amazon/eBay links are affiliated where possible.



I have stopped reading hifi magazines and reviews. In my opinion (as a Certified Curmudgeon (TM)) they have gone beyond science and common sense and zoned out into full-fledged tinfoil hattiness. According to them, anything which is more than ridiculously expensive and claims to minimise some hitherto unknown form of distortion is good. Personally, 80s stuff is great for me. I can't hear the difference anyway, being more than about 6 months old.


This was a well timed video for me as it came out just as I was buying a used (but shop serviced) Technics 1200 Mk2. I like the simplicity of that but yours is a very interesting player and it's amazing all that fancy stuff still works (and I was worried about my gimbal bearings having notches!) Audiophiles can be worth listening to but only up to a point. Sometimes they go well beyond diminishing returns. I'm currently trying to decide whether an external phono stage is worth it (and how expensive it needs to be). You'd think someone would take measurements but no, it's all "open soundstage" and "warm sound", which could be real or imaginary. Still, records do sound good and buying old ones is a good way to find new music to listen to.