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…and any inconvenience it may cause.

Just a quick note to let you know that the video I was planning to have ready by now didn’t work out. That’s the nature of weird old tech - sometimes it lets you down.  Then my idea to incorporate the footage I’d shot into another video also hit a snag when that thing turned out to be useless too. While I wait for a delivery of a third thing which might let me finally put a cap on this shambles I’ve moved on to making a quick simple video which should hopefully be ready before the end of the week.

In other news after a couple more intrusive medical appointments it turns out I probably don’t have prostrate cancer - so that’s something. My elevated PSA readings could be down to an infection but I’ll only find out after a month of antibiotics. I celebrated in the only way I know - by buying myself a refurbished iPad Mini.

For now it’s back to work as normal - thanks for your patience and understanding.   

Take care.



Talk about burying the lede; no video (boo but I understand), no cancer.... Great news fella. I know you don't want expressions of sympathy etc. so I'll just say I'm glad you don't have cancer because it'll mean more awesome tech vids for me.

allister mckillop

Similar story to my prostate journey,after umpteen tests and scans(thanks NHS) it's been agreed whilst I have very high psa and an enlarged prostate it sort of balances out! Bigger prostate =higher psa. Annual checks ate a MUST gentlemen! Do not ignore or be shy just get Dr to check


Damn, I didn't know about that. Good luck Matt