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Just a update to say that the next video will take me a few more days to finish.

I started the week by recording a retro product review, but that  needed to be put on hold while waiting for a replacement  to arrive from Japan.

Then mid-week a new item I'd been waiting for finally turned up. So I started making a video with this, however there’s a few days more work to do on this one yet.

If you’ve really got nothing at all to watch, ‘Skip Intro’ tells me he has just uploaded a capture of a VHD of ‘Movies Vol 4’ from July 1987 - and that can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/jPuhUN29TNM

He tells me there are  some glitches where brief sections get repeated due to a jumping stylus…but apparently he didn't have time to go back and fix this in the edit as he was concentrating on finishing some other projects. 



No problem. Quality over quantity. 🙃