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So, apparently my channel is gone, I'm trying to recover it with YouTube Support but things are really weird, this doesn't make any sense. When my friends tries to view my channel it just says that "I violated the Youtube Policy by practcing spam and uploading deceiving content" which is untrue, I just post music, what the hell is this? Even if I fall I expect to rise again, with or without my channel. Your support matters a lot to me, from the bottom of my heart. I want everything to end well, I didn't even released the JoJo album, which I was about to finish and run after the copyrights.

Your favorite animu synthwaver

André Luiz (Astrophysics)



What the heck! No way, I hope it's just the stupid algorhythm and they'll restore your channel, file an appeal and everything, I can't go a day without my three favorite JOJO remixes from you T_T (I'm so glad you have a patreon, I'll be here to support you!)


I play guitar to your Madoka Magica Synthwave cover daily man, no one's made such a great sounding version. I hope you come back in full swing, I've decided on my own whim to support you through this alleged BS!


Hey friend, Thank you so much, appreciate this! I hope I can get everything back. It was sick to hear and know that people already make play along versions and covers of my remixes and songs.