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Feel better soon. :)


While I love your art I’d much rather you take care of yourself first and foremost


It's understandable, go at your own pace and hope things get more stable soon ^_^


Dont worry about us. Anyone who rushes you anyway is a jerkoff. Take your time, worry about yourself first, we will be here when you're ready, we arent going anywhere, we love your work but you're well being is more important. Feel better, my guy!❤


I'd say take all the time you need to recover. I'm going through some similar things along with just being overwhelmed to the point where I'm just tired all the time. Your health comes first <3


Take your time

Red Brachydios

Take care of yourself first and foremost, art can worry later


All the like are from us wanting u to get better


It's alright boo 😘, if you need to take some time to rebuild your mental state then go right ahead!


Take your time. We all understand how bad depression and anxiety can be for people, so don’t worry about upsetting us. Take some time to yourself and clear your worries. We’ll always be here for you.


Don’t worry about it dude. Your mental and physical health is the most important thing to us.

V templer

It's fine, don't force you to work hard. Take some break and refresh, we'll all wait for you


We the support can all agree that we love your art and you, even if some of us don't really know you that much but we know your an awesome person since you make amazing art porn or not and when you do make some adult art it's super nice things that people want to see and seeing thing like that really brings joy to some people and I would like to say thank you bluebreed for doing an amazing job this far and I'm excited to see what you do next no matter what it is


We all want your best. We pay to support you and your drawings, not to force you into a rhytm that breaks you. Just renember that if our support isn't enough, please ask for help. It's for your own good.


Take your time get better.

A Tree

I'm here to support your passion for art, I understand that passion wanes from time to time. If life has become too overwhelming for you then sometimes your passions have to take a backseat. Just don't let the flame die.


Ok, so look... I wish there's something I could say that'd make you feel better or that would cheer you up, relight that fire in your heart. But I don't, sadly I understand where you're coming from more than I'd want to admit, and probably more than you'd like to hear. It's absolute bullshit when people say "someone's going through the same thing, so you don't have to feel bad because you're not alone". LIKE, WHO THE FUCK WANTS THAT?!? No one wants to feel awful, and no decent human being wants others to feel awful... oh, god... I'm getting off track. I guess the best advice I can give you, and maybe you're already doing this but; find an endpoint. Something you want to experience/do before you go. Everything else is just background music, some days you just sort of bob your head, and others you get into a nice groove and feel the vibe. But until you hit your endpoint, can't give up your looking forward to it, and when you get there... find another one, another endpoint, another book, movie, game, concert, etc. It's probably not the best advice honestly, but it has been giving me that fraction of stability I need for... 8 years? (jesus) Still, today was obviously not a good day for me, but hey Animal Crossing/Doom: Eternal are looking mighty fine! Take care, Blue.