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Hello everyone, I was abruptly informed this evening that my aunt, whom this past year had a serious surgery concerning her bladder, has since then contracted stage 4 stomach cancer. My family is having a get together to spend time with her, and I was just invited. I will certainly be attending this event, as it could be my last chance to see her again. Have a good weekend, and I wish you all good health.



Hey man I have had many deaths lately that has stop my focus on things. You take not just the week but as long as you need my man. Send love and support your way.


Please take as much time as you need, I made the mistake of putting work over a friend once and I still regret not spending more time with them and their family.


Sorry To hear that. Good luck.

Rock the Bull

I'm very sorry to hear that, dude. Take care, and please take your time with your family. ♡