About the charge changes on the 18th... (Patreon)
For those of you who don't know, on December 18th Patreon has recently decided to start giving a 5% raise to Creators by charging Patrons an additional 2.9% + $0.35 to their pledge.
So for example, if you are a $1 tier patron, you would in fact be charged about $1.38 per month/creation/etc.
For more information about this new charge, read this article: https://blog.patreon.com/updating-patreons-fee-structure/
I don't understand why Patreon thought this looked good on paper, but regardless it doesn't look great for patron numbers.
All I wanted to say is: I appreciate ALL of my patrons, the amount of money that you guys give me individually does not matter to me in the least. I'm a college student full time, aspiring to become an artist full time.
I know how tight finances can be and I could never ask you to continue trying to support me if it would effect your livelihood.
I don't know if maybe perhaps Patreon will revoke this new charge at some point, either before it happens or after it flops but regardless, I would just like to thank all of you for your incredible support and I hope to continue making art and comics for you guys who stay - and to those who can't stay, no hard feelings, I understand completely and thank you so much!